Sunday, 28 June 2015

New photos from the boys.....

So much has happened since the last post but we got the photos fresh off of Dash's phone to bring you the new updates.....

Adam and Dash connected the rain barrels stay tuned for running water in the outdoor kitchen!

On the house front, we searched far and wide from for cisterns and found affordable ones in Burlington!

We brought too of these little suckers and each of them hold 1100 gallons of water.  What coincidence that they each just fit the back of the pickup truck. They are super heavy and requires a lot of effort to move!

This is what the land looks like. We decided we needed a foot of gravel so we called in two more dump truck loads. The first one didn't work out so well.

For the first load, we tried a different gravel guy and did not get the right gravel. And we realized in this experience that moving heavy truck loads of dirt when the ground was wet was not such a good idea. The dump truck was so stuck it had to be towed.

The second load was much better:

Notice this load was dumped on the centre of the build site - YAH! When you have to manually move stones with a shovel and a wheel barrel - you really appreciated where the stones initially gets dumped.

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