Monday, 1 July 2024

Fresh Air Intake Snorkel Covers Installed

A 10" metal culvert was incorporated into each large room as a means to bring fresh air into the earthship. These "snorkels" were covered by the final berm so that heat can transfer to/from the berm to temper the incoming air.

Though these snorkels have been there since the very first stage of the build, they have not been used to date because they needed covers to keep rain, insects and animals out.

The metal culverts had to be cut to accommodate the height of the covers.

Snorkel covers were made by welding two 55 gallon steel drums together and cutting out openings for the air intake.

The openings were covered with stainless steel mosquito netting overlaid with 1/2" welded wire mesh.

Where the intakes enter the building we installed 1/4" welded wire mesh.

The idea is to draw in fresh air through these inlets by creating a thermosyphon effect with the hot greenhouse air rising out through the roof vents.