Phase 1 was to cover the tire walls. First, we needed to "pack-out" the void space between the tires in order to create a planar surface for the finish coat. We used a very lean mortar mix for this.
Here's the PLx4 family once again massively contributing to the cause. From left to right: Pauline, Preston, Pearson and Peter. Thank you so much!
Here's Preston scraping the splatter from the floor. The walls at this point are ready for the finish coat.
This completes Phase 1. On to Phase 2: the dome ceilings, which only required the finish coat.
This turned out to be quite time consuming so our friend Earl pointed us to this YouTube video where the Honey Do Carpenter built a pneumatic stucco sprayer. So we built one:
And is worked like a charm! But it was super messy and since it was gravity fed only worked up to a certain angle.
While YP mixed up the stucco and kept our hoppers full: