Friday, 14 July 2023

Stem-wall Ground Insulation

The prevent frost heaving you can insulate on the ground instead of digging below frost level. This is called a frost protected shallow foundation or FPSF. Here we frost protect the greenhouse stem-wall using this method.

We used 4'x8' sheets of 2.5" thick expanded foam insulation covered with a layer of 6 mil plastic. The plastic layer prevents the styrofoam from absorbing moisture so that its insulation value is not reduced.

A 6" layer of dirt protects the plastic from mechanical and UV damage.

The dry-well is also insulated to help prevent ice from blocking the greywater from draining in winter.

Ever wondered if ground insulation actually works?

Here you can clearly see the boundary of the insulation where the heat from the ground hasn't reached through to melt snow.

Dry Well for Greywater

4" ABS overflow from greenhouse greywater planter; 2" PVC chase for rainwater collection overflow from cisterns; 1+1/2" PVC chase for electrical to exterior lighting/receptacle/etc.

5' deep pit to get below frost (would have gone deeper if we didn't hit bedrock). 

6" layer of gravel at bottom of pit

A special thank you to the PLx4 family for their help (from left to right): Peter, Pauline, Pearson, Preston.

Three 55 USG plastic barrels drilled with 1" holes to disperse the greywater into the gravel bed

The 4" ABS pipe extends into the first barrel

The space around the barrels is filled with gravel to create the leaching bed

Gravel bed covered with landscape fabric to prevent soil from clogging it

A 2" ABS observation tube is installed into the first barrel

The PVC chases are extended beyond the dry well

Solar Panels Installed

Galvanized steel racking

A big thank you to Peter Leung for helping with the install!

Six 300W panels connected in two parallel banks of three panels each